The TO 254 package is a metal can enclosure made for semiconductor components, like integrated circuits, transistors and thyristors that require precision and reliability. It is designed to shield electronics from elements such as moisture and dust by using careful welding techniques for hermetic sealing. Unlike the TO 257 the TO 254 is larger. Provides thermal management capabilities.

To safeguard the components from contaminants and moisture the TO-254 package is sealed hermetically. This sealing method involves glass and ceramic eyelets that insulate the leads from the metal body ensuring performance in harsh conditions.

In addition to aiding heat dissipation the metal tab at the back of the TO-254 includes a hole for attaching it to a heat sink if higher power handling is needed. This feature ensures heat management in high power applications.

The TO 254 package is commonly utilized for housing transistors, thyristors and integrated circuits with lead counts, such as voltage regulators for high reliability and mission critical circuits. Due to its combination of a metal body and hermetic sealing the TO-254 offers reliability and durability compared to packages, like the TO-220 but comes at a higher cost.

At Electronic Products Inc. (EPI) we offer TO-254 packages with three leads, as the norm. We also have options with varying lead counts. The standard lead separation for a 3 lead TO 254 package is 3.81 mm.

Whether you need a package or a custom solution EPI is devoted to delivering packages that align with your requirements drawing on our wealth of experience and unwavering commitment, to excellence.


What is the primary application of the TO-254 package?

The TO-254 package is used for housing small signal transistors, diodes, and other semiconductor devices requiring a compact and durable enclosure. It is commonly utilized in RF amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits where space and precise performance are essential.

How does the TO-254 package manage heat dissipation?

The TO-254 package features a metal can construction that provides effective heat dissipation. Although it is not intended for high-power applications, the metal casing helps manage heat generated by the semiconductor device, ensuring stable operation in small-signal applications.

What are the key benefits of using the TO-254 package in RF applications?

The TO-254 package offers several advantages for RF applications, including low parasitic capacitance and inductance, crucial for maintaining high-frequency performance. Its compact size and metal can design minimize signal losses and interference, making it ideal for RF amplifiers and other high-frequency circuits.

What hermetic sealing methods are used for the TO-254 package?

The TO-254 package typically employs glass-to-metal or metal-to-metal hermetic sealing methods. These techniques create an airtight seal that safeguards internal components from moisture, gases, and contaminants, ensuring the device’s reliability and longevity.

Can the TO-254 package be used in military or aerospace applications?

Yes, the TO-254 package is suitable for military and aerospace applications due to its robust construction, reliable hermetic sealing, and ability to operate in harsh environments. Its size and performance make it appropriate for mission-critical electronics where reliability and space efficiency are crucial.