The TO-36 package, a known member of the ‘metal can’ package family is designed to house semiconductor devices, like transistors, diodes and integrated circuits with lead counts. Its sealed structure offers protection against environmental factors such as moisture and contaminants making it a top choice for high reliability applications. The TO-36 is highly regarded for its construction and heat dissipation capabilities making it indispensable in situations where durability and efficient thermal control are essential.

With its metal body the TO-36 package has a diameter compared to smaller options like the TO-18. Inside the metal can lies a die pad where the microchip is positioned. The package is sealed using a metal cap secured through welding or crimping methods ensuring a dependable airtight seal that safeguards internal components while maintaining optimal thermal efficiency.

At Electronic Products Inc. (EPI), we draw on over 60 years of experience to offer both standard and custom-engineered TO packages that meet JEDEC-compliant standards. We also provide tailor made solutions for uses, such, as applications that need ceramic based designs to improve performance and dependability.

EPI offers a variety of customization options for TO-36 packages, including different lead configurations, plating materials such as nickel, copper, silver, and gold, and various pin lengths. As an ISO 9001:2015 certified US manufacturer, we ensure that all our TO-36 packages are RoHS and REACH compliant, adhering to global environmental and safety standards.


What are the lead configurations available for the TO-36 package?

The TO-36 package commonly features three leads but can be customized to include different lead configurations based on specific application requirements.

How does the hermetic sealing process work for TO-36 packages?

Hermetic sealing for TO-36 packages typically involves welding or crimping to attach the metal cap to the header, creating an airtight seal that protects the internal components from environmental factors.

What are the typical applications of the TO-36 package?

The TO-36 package is commonly used in high-reliability applications, including industrial sensors, communication devices, medical instruments, and military equipment, where durability and performance are essential.