The TO-72 package is a metal can enclosure designed for semiconductor components, like integrated circuits and transistors in situations that demand precision and dependability. It offers protection against elements like moisture and dust thanks to its tightly sealed design achieved through precise welding. Constructed from materials such as ASTM F15 Alloy (Kovar) which matches the expansion of the silicon die it minimizes stress during operation. Enhances the devices durability.

A notable advantage of the TO-72 package lies in its heat management capabilities. The metal casing efficiently disperses heat preventing overheating and ensuring performance in devices operating at high frequencies. This makes it well suited for communication systems and other applications where signal integrity and heat control are crucial.

The TO-72 package can be tailored to suit requirements by offering lead configurations pin lengths and plating options like nickel, gold or silver. These customizable features render it a versatile option, for performance devices used in aerospace, defense, telecommunications equipment among others.

At Electronic Products Inc. (EPI), we offer TO packages that meet JEDEC-compliant standards, ensuring high performance and reliability. Whether you need a standard or custom solution, EPI is committed to providing packages that meet your precise requirements, backed by our extensive experience and dedication to quality.


What is the primary application of the TO-72 package?

The TO-72 package is primarily used to house small signal transistors, diodes, and other semiconductor devices that require a compact form factor. It is commonly found in applications such as RF amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits, where space constraints and precise performance are critical.

How does the TO-72 package manage heat dissipation?

The TO-72 package features a metal can construction, which provides moderate heat dissipation capabilities. While it is not designed for high-power applications, the metal body helps to manage the heat generated by the housed semiconductor device, ensuring stable operation in small-signal applications

What are the key advantages of using the TO-72 package in RF applications?

The TO-72 package offers several advantages in RF applications, including low parasitic capacitance and inductance, which are critical for maintaining high-frequency performance. Its small size and metal can construction also help minimize signal losses and interference, making it ideal for use in RF amplifiers, oscillators, and other high-frequency circuits.

How does the TO-72 package compare to other metal can packages in terms of size?

The TO-72 package is smaller than many other metal can packages, such as the TO-5 or TO-39, making it ideal for applications where space is limited. Despite its smaller size, it still offers excellent protection and performance for small signal devices.

Can the TO-72 package be used in military or aerospace applications?

Yes, the TO-72 package is often used in military and aerospace applications due to its robust construction, reliable hermetic sealing, and ability to operate in harsh environments. Its small size and excellent performance make it suitable for use in mission-critical electronics where space and reliability are paramount.

How does the TO-72 package perform in terms of electrical isolation?

The TO-72 package provides excellent electrical isolation due to its metal can construction and the use of high-quality insulating materials in the hermetic seal. This isolation is essential in applications where preventing electrical interference between the semiconductor device and external components is critical.